Friday, November 11, 2005

Slogans of Me

I came across The Advertising Slogan Generator at Every Thought Captive . Phil has some lovely thoughts on slogans and why they stop the critical thinking process. I'd have to agree, since I've decided to stop working, ie, performing critical thinking, and make fun of my new slogans. I've been a bit selective with these, since a number of otherwise benign slogans turned unpleasantly filthy when I was substituted for the subject.

Don't Just Book It, Eric It.
This one has a number of potential meanings, all revolving around "book". Am I better than reading? Does "Ericing it" mean doing something really fast? Am I more reliable than a reservation?

There's First Love, and There's Eric Love.
I guess you'll have to ask my wife about this one.

What Can Eric Do For You?
I fear this one may get me sued by UPS.

More Than Just an Eric.
Of course I'm more than "just" an Eric! I'm Eric "the" Lind.

Pardon Me, Do You Have Any Grey Eric?
Yes, let's remind me of the imminent onslaught of the beginning of my fourth decade.

At 29p an Eric, It's Not a Stress on Your Pocket.
I'm assuming "29p" is 29 pence or something similarly British. It is, after all, an English website. The direct implication, though, is I'm really cheap. How rude!

Every Eric Helps.
Of course we do - we're very useful.

Finally, I leave you with this last thought:

It's Eric Time.
Oh yes, yes it is. Although, MC "Hammer Time" was pretty lame, and "Miller Time" refers to something insipid and icky.

Perhaps I should remain un-sloganed. Then again, there's always:
Eric Unscripted.


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